Training Programme
Mode of
of Training
Tan Sri Dato' Seri
1. Directorship: What to look out for
½ day
Dr. Ting Chew Peh
2. Risk & Reform ­ implication for Audit
1 day
Committee Oversight
Dato' Tan Bing Hua
Securities Commission - Bursa Malaysia
8 June 2009 -
Corporate Governance Week 2009
11 June 2009
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
The Board has appointed Dato' Tan Bing Hua as the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director of the Board to whom
concerns may be conveyed. The Senior Independent Non-Executive Director provides a secure and confidential channel
to address any concerns conveyed to him directly on matters relating to the Company. Dato' Tan Bing Hua is authorised
to seek information as required, from any employee of the company and all employees are directed to co-operate on any
request made by the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director. During the year, there was no issue raised to the Senior
Independent Non-Executive Director.
Board Meetings and Supply of Information
Board meetings are held at regular intervals with additional meetings convened when necessary. During the financial year,
the Board met five (5) times to review the Group's operations, quarterly and annual financial statements and any other
matters that require the Board's approval. Details of each Director's attendance are set out on page 17 of this annual
Hua Yang Berhad
The Company has adopted a policy of sending Board papers to the Directors ahead of the pre-scheduled meetings to
Annual Report 2010
ensure that the Directors are given sufficient time to review any matters to be discussed at the meetings later and also to
enable the Directors to obtain further information and explanation, whenever necessary.
The Board papers encompass all aspects of the matters to be considered with quantitative and qualitative information
thus enabling the Board to make informed decisions. Detailed reports on various issues like operational performance and
profitability, human resources, business plans and various financial indicators are made available in advance to members
of the Board for information and deliberation wherever applicable.
The Board papers also encompass a summary listing of the changes in the relevant laws and regulations applicable to the
Company such as Bursa Securities's Listing Requirements. The Board have the right to access all information within the
Company, whether as a full board or in their individual capacity, in furtherance of their duties.
The appointment of the Company Secretary is based on the capability and proficiency determined by the Board. All
Directors have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretaries who are responsible for ensuring the proper
Board procedures are followed through and that all applicable rules and regulations are complied with. The Company
Secretaries attended the Board meetings and recorded the deliberations, in terms of the issues discussed and the
conclusion made by the Board in discharging their duties and responsibilities. The Articles of Association of the Company
permits the removal of Company Secretary by the Board of Directors. Besides this, the Directors are also empowered to
seek external independent professional advice at the Company's expense, to enable them to make well-informed